Barnard, Thomas Harvie was born on September 5, 1939 in Clinton, Iowa, United States. Son of Harvie and Rose (Zekind) Barnard.
Barnard, Thomas Harvie was born on September 5, 1939 in Clinton, Iowa, United States. Son of Harvie and Rose (Zekind) Barnard.
Student, Grinnell College, 1958. Bachelor, University Puget Sound, 1961. Bachelor of Laws, Columbia University, 1964.
Master of Laws, Case Western Reserve University, 1970.
Associate Ulmer and Berne, Cleveland, 1964-1968, partner, since 1995. Attorney United States Department Labor, 1968-1971. Associate Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, Cleveland, 1971-1974, partner, 1974-1987, Duvin, Cahn and Barnard, Cleveland, 1987-1995.
Bar: Ohio 1964.
"Defense Perspective on Individual Emploment Rights," 67 Nebraska Law Review 193, 1988. "Clementine, in the 1980’s (EEO and the Woman Miner)," 82 West Virginia Law Review 899, 1980. "Forcing Technology in the Foundry," AFS Transactions, Volume 89, p.829, 1981 edition
Coping with AIDS and Substance Abuse, The Bottomline," The Journal of the International Association of Hospitality Accountants, October, 1986. Author: "Analysis and Criticism of the Model Penal Code Provisions on the Law of Abortion," 18 WRLR 540, 1967. The Conflict Between State Protective Legislation and Federal Laws Prohibiting Sex Discrimination: Is it Resolved," 17 Wayne Law Review 25, 1971."Restrictions on the Right to be a Candidate and Hold Union Office," 18 Wayne Law Review 1239, 1972. Title VII Class Actions, The ‘Recovery Stage,’" 16 William and Mary Law Review 507, 1975. Chapter 12, "Remedies," Toxic Torts, McGraw-Hill, 1984.Legal Implications of Drug Testing in the Private Sector, 2 Journal of Law and Health 67, 19871988. How Does an Employer Cope with AIDS, The Bottomline," August- / September, 1988. With Office of the Solicitor, United States.Department of Labor, 1968- 1971. Deputy Counsel for Litigation, Division of Labor-Management Laws, 1970. Special Assistant, Division of Labor Relations and Civil Rights, 1971.
President Council Human Relations, Cleveland, 1981-1983. Board directors Karamu House, 1984-1987, 91-94, 1st vice president, 1985-1987. Board directors Footpath Dance Company, Cleveland, 1980-1987, president board directors, 1983-1986.
Trustee Federation Community Planning, Cleveland, 1985-1993, vice president, 1992-1993. Trustee Cleveland Opera Company, since 1993. Chairman board trustees Cleveland Health Care for the Homeless, since 1993.
Member American Bar Association, Ohio State Bar Association (chairman civil rights committee labor law section 1990-1994, board governors labor law section since 1991, secretary-treasurer since 1994), Greater Cleveland Bar Association, Defense Research Institute (vice chairman employment law committee 1984-1986), Club at Society Center.
Arts, sports.
Married Terry K. Turnbull, August 17, 1963 (div. 1979); children: Thomas H., Anne P., Kathryn R. Married Laura Ann Coen, September 6, 1987.
Children: Mollie Elyse, Rebecca Coen.