Smith, Thorn McClellan was born on February 19, 1958 in Peoria, Illinois, United States. Son of Lester Berry and June Edda (Kopal) Smith.
Smith, Thorn McClellan was born on February 19, 1958 in Peoria, Illinois, United States. Son of Lester Berry and June Edda (Kopal) Smith.
Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, Georgetown University, 1979; Juris Doctor, Northwestern University, 1982.
Associate Law Offices of Lester Berry Smith, Peoria, 1982-1983, Law Offices of C.R. Dunbar, Spartanburg, South Carolina, 1983-1985. Sole practice, 1985-1987, San Francisco, 1993-1998, Iowa, 2000. Member office of general counsel United States Navy, 1987-1991.
Of counsel Tank Protect Engineering Northern California, Inc., 1992-1993. Attorney-adjuster Crawford and Company, 1996-1999, General Casualty Company, since 1999.
Western field director Confederate Lawyer, Western Command, since 1993. Member American Bar Association, Bar Association of San Francisco, Spartanburg County Bar Association, Sons Confederate Veterans.
Son of.