Rivelli, Timothy J. was born on November 3, 1954 in Waukegan, Illinois, United States.
Rivelli, Timothy J. was born on November 3, 1954 in Waukegan, Illinois, United States.
Northwestern University (Bachelor of Arts, 1976). Loyola University (Juris Doctor, cum laude, 1979). Assistant Editor, Loyola Law Journal, 1978-1979.
Alumni Trustee, Northwestern University, Board of Trustees, 1986-1988.
Worked at Winston & Strawn (Chicago, Illinois) specializing in Alternative Dispute Resolution, Asset Securitization, Corporate and Securities, Financial Transactions, Litigation, Antitrust, Banking, Bankruptcy, Workouts and Financial Restructuring, Commercial Lending, Real Estate, Tax, Energy, Employment and Labor Relations, Employee Benefits, Intellectual Property, Environmental Law, Financial Institutions Regulatory, Health Law, Government Contracts, Immigration, International Trade, Lease Financing, Mergers and Acquisitions, Product Liability, Project Finance, Public Finance, Federal Governmental Relations and Regulatory Affairs, Transportation, Telecommunications and Media, Maritime Law, Trusts and Estates and White Collar Criminal Defense. Admitted to the bar, 1979, Illinois. United States. District Court, Northern District of Illinois.
United States.
Court of Appeals, Seventh and Sixth Circuits. United States. Supreme Court. 1993, United States. Tax Court.
Assistant Editor, Loyola Law Journal, 1978-1979.
Alumni Trustee, Northwestern University, Board of Trustees, 1986-1988. Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University Law School.
Member: American Bar Association (Member, Sections on: Litigation. Communications-Media Law.
Copyright and Intellectual Property.
Securities-Class Actions). Winston & Strawn, founded in 1853, is one of the nation"s oldest and largest law firms. With nearly 525 attorneys in offices in Chicago, New York, Washington, District of Columbia, Geneva, Switzerland and Paris, France, the firm provides a full range of legal services to clients throughout the United States and abroad, including Fortune 500 companies, major commercial and financial institutions, governments and governmental entities, as well as small and midsize companies, individuals and entrepreneurs from virtually every industry.
Member: American Bar Association (Member, Sections on: Litigation. Communications-Media Law. Copyright and Intellectual Property.
Securities-Class Actions).