Sir Robert Hotung was an influential Hong Kong businessman and philanthropist in British Hong Kong. Known as "the grand old man of Hong Kong", Mr. Hotung was knighted in 1915 and 1955.
Mr. Hotung was born in Hong Kong, December 22, 1862.
Sir Robert Hotung received his early education in Chinese schools after which he went to Hong Kong Central School (now Queen's College) for four years studying English and graduated at the head of his class.
Mr. Hotung was attached to the indoor staff of the Maritime Customs from 1878 to 1880. He served as a junior assistant to the compradore of Jardine, Matheson & Company, Ltd.,, in 1880-1882. Sir Robert Hotung held the post of a chief compradore of the Hong Kong Fire and Canton Insurance Companies between 1882 and 1888.
After resigning his position because of ill health, he launched into many business dealings and was one of the richest men in Hong Kong. Mr. Hotung was a large shareholder in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and was a director in many other concerns, including the Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Company; Ltd., Hong Kong Electric Company. Ltd., Peak Tramway Company, Ltd. , Hong Kong Land Investment Company, Ltd.
Sir Robert Hotung worked as a Chairman of the Hong Kong, Canton and Macao Steamboat Company, Ltd., Indo-China Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., Hong Kong Fire graduated from the Peiping Military Insurance Company, Ltd., Canton Insurance Company, Ltd., Kam Hing Knitting Company, Ltd., China Light and Power Company, Ltd., China Provident Loan and Mortgage Company, Ltd., Hong Kong Rope Manufacturing Company, Ltd., the Green Island Cement Company, Ltd., Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Ltd., Douglas Steamship Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd., and Chairman of the United Photoplay Service, Ltd.
Besides being engaged in these businesses he was one of the large property holders of Hong Kong and has also wide personal industrial interests in North China and Manchuria.
Mr. Hotung was Eurasian. His father, Charles Henry Maurice Bosman (1839–1892), was of Dutch Jewish ancestry, while his mother was Sze Tai, a local woman of Bao'an (present-day Shenzhen) heritage, on D'Aguilar Street. His father was a merchant who had his own company, Bosman and Co., was part owner of the Hong Kong Hotel which opened in 1868, and a director of the Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Company.
By 1869, Charles Bosman was also the Dutch Consul, running his own marine insurance business with important clients that included the British-owned trading conglomerate Jardine, Matheson & Co. He later left for England, where he became naturalised in 1888. In Cantonese, Bosman was pronounced Bo-se-man, which transliterated into Cantonese to become Ho Sze Man. When Robert Ho Tung Bosman travelled, he carried a certificate from the Governor of Hong Kong stating that his father was Dutch.