SEREZHNIKOV, Vasiliy was born on April 4, 1885.
Specialist in the art of reciting
SEREZHNIKOV, Vasiliy was born on April 4, 1885.
1913-1919 organized, directed and taught Moscow’s first courses on diction and recitation. 1915 introduced genreof collective recitation. 1923 founded Moscow Itinerant Recitation Theater.
Gave public recitation performances and readings. Arrested by State Security organs. Spent his years in imprisonment in Kazakhstan.
Productions: Verhaaren’s “Wind” and “Revolt”. Nekrasov’s Zelyonyy shum (Verdant Sound) and excerpts from Nekrasov’s poem Komu na Rusi zhit' khorosho (Who Lives the Good Life in Russia). “Pushkin”; Revolyutsionnaya poeziya (Revolutionary Poetry), et cetera
Religion is bad because it imposes irrational rules of good and bad behaviour.
Every person has rights to express his or her opinion, but the opinion could be expressed if it was in accordance with the general interests of Soviet society.