BARKER, VINCENT was born on June 4, 1934 in Monroe, Michigan, United States.
BARKER, VINCENT was born on June 4, 1934 in Monroe, Michigan, United States.
Yale University (Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 1956). University of Michigan (Juris Doctor, 1961). Law Clerk, United States.
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1961-1963.
Adjunct Professor of Patent and Copyright Law, University of Toledo Law School, 1967-1978. Lecturer in Patent Law, University of Michigan Law School, 19791985.
Working as a partner of TOLEDO OFFICE. Admitted to the bar, 1961, Illinois. 1964, Ohio; 1968-1982, United States. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals.
1975, United States.
Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit. 1976, United States. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit. 1979, United States. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.
1982, United States.
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Registered to practice before United States. Patent and Trademark Office.
Toledo, Ohio State and American Bar Associations. Toledo Patent Law Association (Past President, 1972). American Intellectual Property Law Association.
(Managing Partner).