Vladimir was born on March 14, 1952 in Kharkov, Ukraine. Son of Aron Vladimir Bernshtam and Anna Pavel Itkin.
Vladimir was born on March 14, 1952 in Kharkov, Ukraine. Son of Aron Vladimir Bernshtam and Anna Pavel Itkin.
Master of Science in Physics, Kharkov State University, 1974. Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Donetsk State University, Ukraine, 1983.
Senior research scientist All-Union Research Institute of Electrical Machines Technology, Kharkov, 1974—1980, State Power Institute (Moscow) Division of the thermonuclear reactors Kharkov magnetohydrodynamic Laboratory, Kharkov, 1980—1994. Staff scientist Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 1994—2009, senior staff scientist, since 2009. Deputy director Institute Electrodynamics of Applied Electronics Academy of Science, Kharkov, 1993—1994.
Member state examination commission, supervisor of Master of Science thesis Polytechnic University, Kharkov, 1989—1993. Supervisor of Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science thesis Kharkov State University, 1990—1993. Reviewer All-Union Institute of Science and Technology Information, Moscow, 1990—1992.
Member Kharkov regional council All-Union Science and Engineering Society of Energetic and Electrical Engineering, 1979—1994; Member of American Israel Numismatic Association and The Israel Philatelic Federation (IPF).
Married Tamara Salomon Mironchuk (died January 3, 2013), January 25, 1973. Children: Pavel Vladimir, Raya Vladimir.