Johns, Warren LeRoi was born on June 9, 1929 in Nevada, Iowa, United States. Son of Varner Jay and Ruby Charlene (Morrison) Johns.
(Charles Darwin described his theory as "a mere rag of any...)
Charles Darwin described his theory as "a mere rag of any hypotheses with as many flaw[s] & holes as sound parts." "Ride to Glory" exposes flagrant examples of those flaws in a mock trial that rocks the rural campus setting of a fictitious Maryland university. The question posed to the jury in the stated performance: "Is Evolution a Fact?" In an intellectual free-for-all, gutsy Ph.D. candidate and star witness, Joshua Chamberlain Ryan, thumbs his nose at Darwinian speculations, incurring the wrath of his major Professor, Karl Striker, devout defender of mega-evolution. The author/lawyer makes skillful use of precisely endnoted, authentic, academic source materials to make the case.
(Action oriented, splendidly written, highly entertaining....)
Action oriented, splendidly written, highly entertaining. Ride To Glory is a unique examination of the issues involved in the Darwinian hypothesis about the origins of mankind cast in the form of a novel. Action oriented, splendidly written, thoroughly entertaining (and more than a little educational), Ride To Glory is highly recommended reading for anyone on either side of the Creationism vs. Evolution issue. Like a serpentine road, Road to Glory twists and turns to the last page. It's a book you can't put down--a book you won't want to put down until the end. The author cleverly recasts the Scopes trial with Darwinian evolution in the dock. More than a novel, the work is a compendium of scientific challenges (all well referenced) to Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Creationists will cheer the star witness. Evolutionists, however, will take solace in the summary reflections of the main character, which is the philosophical apex of the book. A dry scientific tome, it is not. It is a lively romance, an intriguing mystery, and a revealing glimpse at the nuanced life of academic philanthropy. Ride to Glory is a wild ride by any standard.
("Beyond Forever: Evolutionism's End Game," exposes the sc...)
"Beyond Forever: Evolutionism's End Game," exposes the scientific shortfall of neo-Darwinism from the perspective of a lawyer building a case for the public jury. Precisely documented with 39 pages of endnotes, "Beyond Forever" dismantles evo's unproven assumptions head-on, from a non-denominational Christian perspective.
Johns, Warren LeRoi was born on June 9, 1929 in Nevada, Iowa, United States. Son of Varner Jay and Ruby Charlene (Morrison) Johns.
Bachelor, La Sierra University, 1950. Master of Arts, Andrews University, 1951. Juris Doctor, University Southern California, 1958.
General counsel Southern California Conference Seventh-day Adventists, Glendale, 1959-1963, Pacific Union Conference Seventh-day Adventists, Glendale and Sacramento, 1964-1969. Private practice Sacramento, 1969-1975. General counsel General Conference Seventh-day Adventists, Washington, 1975-1992, trustee.
Private practice Brookeville, Maryland, 1992-1998. Retired, 1998
Advisory board Center for Church/State Studies, De Paul University College Chicago, 1987-1993, special counsel to general conference, 1992-1995. Special counsel Adventist HealthCare Corporation, Columbia Union HealthCare Corporation, 1992-1997.
("Beyond Forever: Evolutionism's End Game," exposes the sc...)
(Charles Darwin described his theory as "a mere rag of any...)
(Exploring our origin, purpose and destiny in an eternity ...)
(Action oriented, splendidly written, highly entertaining....)
Chairman board directors, president Sacramento Area Economic Opportunity Council, 1974. Co-founder CH. State Council, 1963. Founder CMJ scholarship fund for High School Special Research Student, 2005, Johns Family Endowment scholarship fund for college students studying origin's science, 2007.
Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Bar Association (vice-chairman committee on torts, non-profit, charitable and religious organizations, section of tort and insurance practice 1990-1991).
Married Elaine C. Magnuson, July 24, 1955 (divorced June 1983). Children: Richard Warren, Lynn Cherie Johns-Pence. Married Ruth Page Scott, September 29, 1985.