Oberhardt was born in Guttenberg, New Jersey and studied at the National Academy of Design from 1897 to 1900, and then studied in Munich with Carl von Marr at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts.
illustrator sculptor portrait painter
Oberhardt was born in Guttenberg, New Jersey and studied at the National Academy of Design from 1897 to 1900, and then studied in Munich with Carl von Marr at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts.
Student National Academy of Design, 1897-1900, Royal Academy Fine Arts, Munich, Germany, 1900-1903.
Portrait painter, illustrator. Represented in private public collections. Special exhibition portrait drawings Corcoran Gallery and Library of Congress, 2 years.
4 portraits reproduced for permanent collection of communications of Fine Arts.
Executed portrait heads of numerous prominent people including Minnie Maddern Fiske, 1908. Emily Stevens, 1909; Hudson Maxim, 1910.
Joseph Pennell, 1918. Charles Dana Gibson, 1919.
Edwin H. Blashfield, 1919.
Robert West. Chambers, 1920. President Harding, Henry Cabot Lodge, Joseph G. Cannon, Chief Justice Taft, 1921. Thomas A. Edison, 1923.
Major General James G. Harbord, 1924.
Luther Burbank, 1925. Judge Elbert H. Gary, 1925.
South. Parkes Cadman, 1926. Also Professor Ludwig V. Herterich, 1927.
Colonel Edward M. House, 1926.
Harry Emerson Fosdick, 1928. Walter Lippmann, 1931. Frank Weitenkampf, 1932.
Henry Seidel Canby, 1934.
William Green, 1935; Herbert Hoover, 1941. Henry J. Kaiser, 1945.
Francis Joseph Cardinal Spellman, 1946. Clarence Birdseye, 1946.
Gene Tunney, 1946; Paul de Kruif, 1946.
Mayor William O’Dwyer, 1947. William C. Bullit, 1947. Bernard M. Baruch, 1949.
Judge Harold Medina, 1949.
Sir Willmott Lewis, 1949. Doctor Cornelius Packard Rhoads, 1949.
Ezio Pinza, 1950. Ralph Bunche, 1950. Arthur Hays Sulzberger, 1950.
A. J. Cronin, 1950; Edgar R. Murrow, 1950.
John Foster Dulles, Herbert Hoover, Senator John Jay Williams, Doctor Harry M. Archer, 1951. Senator Richard M. Nixon, 1952. General Dwight Doctorate. Eisenhower, 1952.
Henry Ford II, Harvey Firestone, Junior, 1953.
Doctor Norman Vincent Peale, 1954. Attorney General Herbert Brownell, Junior, 1957.
John Gunther, 1958, many others Commissioned by United States Government to portray 25 members of Division of Pictorial Publicity for records of archives of War Department, Washington.
Represented in New York World’s Fair Fxhbn.
Contemporary Art, 1939. By invitation, one man show National Arts Club, New York City, 1957, Society of Illustrators, 1958. Associate National Academy of Design.
Clubs: Art Directors (honorary), Society of Illustrators (life), Dutch Treat.
Married Josephine Sonnleitner, August 18, 1927. Children: Rolland Bertram, Lorianne.