Wilson,, William Roy was born in 1939 in Little Rock.
Wilson,, William Roy was born in 1939 in Little Rock.
Student, University Arkansas, 1957—1958. Bachelor, Hendrix College, 1962. Juris Doctor, Vanderbilt University, 1965.
Attorney Autrey & Goodson, Texarkana, Arkansas, 1965-1966, Wright, Lindsey & Jennings, Little Rock, 1969-1972, Wilson & Hodge, Little Rock, 1972-1974. Principal William R. Wilson Junior, P.A., 1974-1980, Wilson & Engstrom, Little Rock, 1980-1983, Wilson, Engstrom & Vowell, Little Rock, 1984, Wilson, Engstrom, Corum & Dudley, Little Rock, 1984-1993. Judge United States District Court (eastern district) Arkansas, 1993—2008, senior judge, since 2008.
Chair Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Model Criminal Jury Instructions, since 1978. Active Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Civil Practice, since 1982.
Lieutenant United States Navy, 1966-1969. Member American Bar Association, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, American Board Trial Advocates (National Civil Justice award 1992), American College Trial Lawyers, International Academy Trial Lawyers, International Society Barristers, Arkansas Bar Association (Outstanding Lawyer 1991), Southwest Arkansas Bar Association, Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association (president 1982, Outstanding Trial Lawyer 1988-1989), Pulaski County Bar Association (Outstanding Lawyer 1993).