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Yaghoob Salamat Ebrahimi Edit Profile

engineer scientist

Yaghoob Salamat Ebrahimi, Iranian engineer, scientist. Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (senior ), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (senior ), Society For Industrial and Applied Mathematics (senior ).


Ebrahimi, Yaghoob Salamat was born on September 16, 1945 in Tabriz, Azerbaijan, Iran.


Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, University Tehran, 1970. Master of Science in Statistics, University Tehran, 1975. Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics, University Washington, 1979.

Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics, University Washington, 1980.


Data processing consultant various government agencies, Tehran, Iran, 1970-1976. Instructor mathematics and statistics University Tehran, 1970-1976. Research and teaching assistant college engineering University Washington, Seattle, 1976-1980.

Associate professor University Tehran, 1980-1981. Engineer Automatics Flight Controls Boeing Company, Seattle, 1981-1987. Lead engineer Avionics/Flight Systems Research Boeing Company, since 1987.


  • Yaghoob Salamat Ebrahimi has been listed as a notable Engineer, scientist by Marquis Who's Who.


Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (senior ), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (senior ), Society For Industrial and Applied Mathematics (senior ).


  • Avocations: computers, history, skiing, hiking, traveling.


Parents: Reza Ebarahimi and Taj Naem. Married Nahid Rouhfar, August 20, 1973. Children: Taha, Cina-Reza.

Nahid Rouhfar

Cina-Reza Ebrahimi

Taha Ebrahimi