Walls, Andrew Finlay was born on April 21, 1928. Son of Andrew Finlay Walls and Florence Johnson.
Missiologist and religious research administrator
Walls, Andrew Finlay was born on April 21, 1928. Son of Andrew Finlay Walls and Florence Johnson.
Bachelor in Theology with honors, University Oxford, England, 1948. Master of Arts, University Oxford, England, 1952. Bachelor of Literature, University Oxford, England, 1954.
DDiv, University Aberdeen, Scotland, 1993.
Librarian, Tyndale House, Cambridge, England, 1952-1957; lecturer theology, Fourah Bay College, Sierra Leone, 1957-1962; head religion Department, University Nigeria, Nsukka, 1962-1965; senior lecturer church history, U. Aberdeen, Scotland, 1966-1970; head religious studies Department, University Aberdeen, Scotland, 1970-1985; director Center Study Christianity in Non-Western World, U. Aberdeen, U. Edinburgh, Scotland, 1982-1995; curator of collections, honorary professor, U. Aberdeen, U. Edinburgh, since 1996. Visiting professor various universities, secretary Scottish Institute Missionary Studies, since 1967. Guest professor Economics Mission Princeton Theological Seminary, since 1997.
Councillor Aberdeen, 1974-1980. Chairman Council Museum Galleries Scotland, 1977-1981, Disablement Income Group, Scotland, 1977-1981. Trustee National Museum Scotland, 1985-1987.
Served with Royal Air Force, 1948-1950. Fellow Society Antiquaries Scotland. Member British Association History Religions (president 1976-1979), International Association Mission Studies (general secretary 1974-1976), African Studies Association United Kingdom, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Missionswissenschaft, British and Irish Association for Mission Studies.
Married Doreen Mary Harden, April 4, 1953. Children: Christine, Andrew.