Kojder, Andrzej was born on April 25, 1941 in Grzeska, Poland. Son of Wladyslaw and Aurelia (Winkiel) Kojder.
Kojder, Andrzej was born on April 25, 1941 in Grzeska, Poland. Son of Wladyslaw and Aurelia (Winkiel) Kojder.
Master of Arts, University Warsaw, 1969. Doctor of Philosophy, University Warsaw, 1978.
Assistant University Katowice, 1969-1970. Researcher University Warsaw, 1970-1972, senior researcher, 1973-1977, assistant professor, since 1978, deputy director, 1981-1987. Consultant Research Center for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons, Warszawa, 1973-1987.
Chairman Research Committee for the Sociology of Deviance, 1982-1984, 86—. Board Commission of Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, since 1984. Secretary Research Committee for the Sociology of Law, Warsaw, 1970-1982.
Member Solidarity.
Married Ewa Pajestka-Kojder, December 20, 1980. 1 child, Kaja.