Schinzel, Andrzej Bobola Maria was born on April 5, 1937 in Sandomierz, Kielce, Poland. Son of Zygmunt Aleksander and Maria Wanda (Swiezynska) Schinzel.
(This treatise covers most of the known results on reducib...)
This treatise covers most of the known results on reducibility of polynomials over arbitrary fields, algebraically closed fields, and finitely generated fields. The author includes several theorems on reducibility of polynomials over number fields that are either totally real or complex multiplication fields. Some of these results are based on the recent work of E. Bombieri and U. Zannier, presented here by Zannier in an appendix. The book also treats other subjects such as Ritt's theory of composition of polynomials, and properties of the Mahler measure and concludes with a bibliography of over 300 items.
educator mathematician researcher
Schinzel, Andrzej Bobola Maria was born on April 5, 1937 in Sandomierz, Kielce, Poland. Son of Zygmunt Aleksander and Maria Wanda (Swiezynska) Schinzel.
Master, Warsaw University, Poland, 1958. Doctor, Mathematics Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1960. Doctor (honorary), University Caen, 1998.
Research assistant Mathematics Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1960-1962, research associate, 1962-1963, assistant professor mathematics, 1963-1967, associate professor, 1967-1974, professor, since 1974, head number theory section, since 1968, deputy director, 1986-1989.
(This treatise covers most of the known results on reducib...)
Member Polish Mathematics Society (vice president 1981-1983, Zaremba prize 1968, Sierpinski medal 1982), Science Society Warsaw (chair III division 1982-1987), Polish Academy of Sciences (Banach medal 1992), Deutsche Akademie Naturforscher Leopoldina, Österreichische Akademy Wiss (correspondent), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (honorary), Polish Academy of Sciences and Arts.