Lohuis, Ardyth June was born on June 29, 1939 in Melrose Park, Illinois, United States. Daughter of Delmont John and Charlotte Carolyn.
Lohuis, Ardyth June was born on June 29, 1939 in Melrose Park, Illinois, United States. Daughter of Delmont John and Charlotte Carolyn.
Bachelor of Sacred Music, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1960. MM, Northwestern University, 1962. Doctor of Museum Arts, University Cincinnati, 1970.
Organist Barrington (Illinois) Presbyterian Church, 1960-1962, 1st Presbyterian Church, Haddonfield, New Jersey, 1962-1966. Director music, organist Mount Washington Methodist Church, Cincinnati, 1967-1969. Professor music Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, 1969—2004, professor emeritus, 2004.
Director music, organist Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 1988-1989. Retired
Touring artist Virginia Commission for Arts, Richmond, 1990-1992. Member Whikehart Chorale, Bloomington, 1960-1968.
President Neighborhood School of Arts, Richmond, 1997-1999, executive board, 1993-2000. Vice president Southeastern History Keyboard Society, 1996-1997, 2000-2002, president 2002-2004. Member Organ History Society.
Member American Guild Organists (Virginia state Chairman, 1983-1989, dean South Jersey chapter 1963-1966, dean Richmond chapter 1978-1980), College Music Society, Pi Kappa Lambda (president Virginia Commonwealth University chapter 1976-1978), Delta Omicron (life member, Star of Delta Omicron 1981), Sigma Epsilon Sigma.