Levin, Arnold was born on March 23, 1939 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
Levin, Arnold was born on March 23, 1939 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
Bachelor of Science, Temple University, 1961. Bachelor of Laws, Temple University, 1964.
Worked at Levin, Fishbein, Sedran & Berman (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) specializing in General Civil Trial and Appellate Practice in all Courts. Commercial, Admiralty, Maritime, Antitrust, Securities, Corporate, Labor, Negligence, Toxic Torts, Environmental, Products Liability, Medical Malpractice and Class Action Law. Admitted to the bar, 1964, Pennsylvania, United States.
Supreme Court, United States.
Court of Appeals, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Circuits and United States. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
1983, United States. District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania.
United States. Claims Court. Phi Alpha Delta; Beta Gamma Sigma.
Tau Epsilon Rho. Scabbard & Blade. Article Editor, Temple Law Quarterly, 1964.
Author: "Clearing A Path Through Multi District Litigation," Trial Magazine, September, 1979.
"Class Action," Trial Magazine, May, 1982. "Proof of Causation: The Problem of the Indeterminate Defendant and of the Indeterminate Plaintiff," The Barrister, Winter, 1985-1986. Member, Roscoe Pound Foundation, 1981.
Member: Philadelphia (Member: State Judicial Procedure Committee, 1978.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Committee, 1978), Pennsylvania, American (Vice Chairman, Maritime Insurance Law Committee, 1981-1982) and International Bar Associations. Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association (Member, Board of Directors, 1978-1981).
Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association (Company-Chairman, Antitrust Section, 1977). The Association of Trial Lawyers of America (Secretary, Commercial Litigation Section, 1977-1978.
Vice Chairman, 1978-1979.
Chairman, 1979-1980. Member: Amicus Curiae Committee, 1979-1980, 1992. Trial Subject Advisory Committee, 1979-1980.
Chairman, Environmental Law Essay Contest, 1983).
Maritime Law Association of the United States. Fellow, International Society of Barristers. Trial Lawyers for Public Justice.
Levin, Fishbein, Sedran & Berman is a litigation firm specializing in national complex litigation.
In the environmental tort area, the firm has represented persons injured in major cases, including: Three Mile Island Litigation, In re Times Beach Missouri Dioxin Litigation, Rocky Mountain Arsenal Litigation and In re Hanford Nuclear Facility Litigation.
Member, Roscoe Pound Foundation, 1981. Member: Philadelphia (Member: State Judicial Procedure Committee, 1978. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Committee, 1978), Pennsylvania, American (Vice Chairman, Maritime Insurance Law Committee, 1981-1982) and International Bar Associations.
Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association (Member, Board of Directors, 1978-1981).
Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association (Company-Chairman, Antitrust Section, 1977). The Association of Trial Lawyers of America (Secretary, Commercial Litigation Section, 1977-1978.
Vice Chairman, 1978-1979. Chairman, 1979-1980; Member: Amicus Curiae Committee, 1979-1980, 1992.
Trial Subject Advisory Committee, 1979-1980.
Chairman, Environmental Law Essay Contest, 1983). Maritime Law Association of the United States. Fellow, International Society of Barristers.
Trial Lawyers for Public Justice.
Fellow, International Society of Barristers. Trial Lawyers for Public Justice.
Son of Meyer and Sylvia (Orenberg) L. Barbara Silver, May 2, 1965. Children: Dawn, Rodney, Daniel, Rebecca.