Abramson, Arthur Harris was born on October 5, 1918 in Syracuse, New York, United States. Son of Moses Brockway and Lillian (Egerl) Abramson.
Abramson, Arthur Harris was born on October 5, 1918 in Syracuse, New York, United States. Son of Moses Brockway and Lillian (Egerl) Abramson.
Bachelor of Science in Accounting, University Illinois, 1940.
Owner Stillman's Army Store, Syracuse, 1946—1957. President Wilson-Ranger Industries, 1957—1968, Gladding Corporation, Syracuse, from 1968. Served to captain United States Army, 1942-1946.
Member of Lafayette Country, Masons (master 1957-1958).
Married Naomi Shirley Abramson, September 16, 1943. Children: Richard, Kenneth, Bonnie.