Ashikaga Yoshimochi was born in 1386.
足利 義持
Ashikaga Yoshimochi was born in 1386.
When Emperor Shoko ascended the Throne (1414), warlords supporting the South Imperial Dynasty rose in revolt, on the ground that his ascension violated the Shogunate's promise that the Southern and Northern Dynasties should alternately occupy the Imperial Throne. The rebellion was suppressed. In 1422, he added ten articles to the Kemmu Shikimoku, or the Code issued in the Kemmu Era. Put to death Yoshitsugu (his younger brother), who harbored rebellious designs against the Shogunate. Turning over the Shogunate to Yoshikazu his son, he became a Driest and called himself Kenzan Dosen. Afte r the death of Yoshikazu (1425), he again attended to administrative affairs.