Harrold, Bernard was born on February 5, 1925 in Wells County, Indiana, United States. Son of James Delmer and Marie (Mounsey) Harrold.
Harrold, Bernard was born on February 5, 1925 in Wells County, Indiana, United States. Son of James Delmer and Marie (Mounsey) Harrold.
Indiana University (Bachelor of Arts, 1949. Bachelor of Laws, 1951). Fellow, Academy of Law Alumni Fellows, Indiana University School of Law.
Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma. Order of the Coif. Note Editor, Indiana Law Journal, 1950-1951.
Since practiced in, Chicago. Associate, then member firm Kirkland, Ellis, Hodson, Chaffetz & Masters, 1951-1967. Senior partner Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon, since 1967.
Served with Army of the United States, 1944-1946, European Theatre of Operations. Fellow American College Trial Lawyers, Academy Law Alumni Fellows Indiana University School Law. Member American Bar Association, Illinois Bar Association (chairman evidence program 1970), Chicago Bar Assn, Lawyers Club, University Club, Order of Coif, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma.
Married Kathleen Walker, November 26, 1952. Children– Bernard James, Camilla Ruth, Renata Jane.