McGlynn, Betty Hoag was born on April 28, 1914 in Deer Lodge, Montana, United States. Daughter of Arthur James and Elizabeth Tangye (Davey) Lochrie.
(Today's Carmel Art Association is located in a handsome b...)
Today's Carmel Art Association is located in a handsome building on Dolores St. This has been its headquarters since moving there in 1934 as a newly organised, non-profit corporation. The association was actually formed much earlier, in 1927, by a small group of artists who dreamed of having just such a home, and who struggled to achieve one throughout discouraging years of the Depression. This history is written as a tribute to their vision and tenacity, and is published to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the Association's birth.
McGlynn, Betty Hoag was born on April 28, 1914 in Deer Lodge, Montana, United States. Daughter of Arthur James and Elizabeth Tangye (Davey) Lochrie.
Bachelor, Stanford University, 1936; Master of Arts, University of Southern California, 1967.
Research director, Southern California Archives of America Art, Los Angeles, 1964-1967; research director, Carmel (California) Museum Art, 1967-1969; director, Triton Museum Art, Santa Clara, California, 1970; archivist, library, San Mateo County (California) History Society Museum, 1972-1974; consultant, Monterey Peninsula Museum Art, California, since 1964. Teacher art extension Monterey Peninsula College, California, 1970, San Jose City College, 1971. Lecturer in field.
(Today's Carmel Art Association is located in a handsome b...)
Appraiser art work City of Carmel, 1967, advisory board Art in Public Places, 1997-1998. Appraiser art work City of Monterey, 1981. Member Friends of Harrison Memorial Library., Carmel, Friends of Sunset Foundation, Carmel, Pacific Grove Art Center, Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Member American Association of University Women, Butte (Montana) Arts Chateau, Carmel Art Association (honorary), Carmel Heritage Society, Carmel Foundation, Carmel Residents Association, Chinese History Society, Monterey History and Art Association (art consultant), Monterey Museum Art (member acquisitions board), Gallatin County History Society (Montana), Stanford Alumni Association, Robinson Jeffers Tor House Foundation (art consultant), Hawaiian History Society, Montana History Society, National Museum of Women in Arts, The Westerners, Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.), Book Club of California.
Married Paul Sterling Hoag, December 28, 1936 (divorced 1967). Children: Peter Lochrie Hoag, Jane Hoag Brown, Robert Doane Hoag. Married Thomas Arnold McGlynn, July 28, 1973 (deceased 2000).