Porat, Boaz was born on May 29, 1945 in Haifa, Israel. Son of David and Tova Freud.
(Digital Processing of Random Signals: Theory and Methods ...)
Digital Processing of Random Signals: Theory and Methods by Boaz Porat Dover...
( This excellent advanced text rigorously covers several ...)
This excellent advanced text rigorously covers several topics related to random signal processing. Geared toward students of electrical engineering, its material is sufficiently general to be applicable to other engineering fields. It features numerous homework problems of varying difficulty, with ample hints for the more challenging problems, and solutions for those with results that reappear in later chapters. Author Boaz Porat, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), in Haifa, introduces stationary processes and discusses their structure and main properties. He proceeds to examinations of statistical estimation theory, classical spectrum estimation, and parameter estimation theory for Gaussian processes. Subsequent chapters explore autoregressive parameter estimation and its role in adaptive estimation techniques, in addition to estimation methods based on high-order statistical analysis and the time-frequency analysis of nonstationary signals. Four helpful appendixes conclude the text.
Electrical engineering educator
Porat, Boaz was born on May 29, 1945 in Haifa, Israel. Son of David and Tova Freud.
Bachelor, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1967. Master of Science, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1975. Master of Science, Stanford (California) University, 1982.
Doctor of Philosophy, Stanford University, 1982.
Systems engineer Rafael, Haifa, Israel, 1972-1979. Chief scientist Rafaeil, Rafael, 1982-1983. Research assistant Stanford, California, United States, 1979-1982.
Professor Technion, Haifa, Israel, since 1983. Visiting professor University California, Davis, 1991, 95. Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheba, Israel, 1994.
Research fellow Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1993.
( This excellent advanced text rigorously covers several ...)
(Digital Processing of Random Signals: Theory and Methods ...)
Lieutenant Israeli Navy, 1967-1972. Fellow Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Married Aliza Rottenstein, September 26, 1967. Children: Ofer, Noga.