Boydston, Brian D. was born on June 12, 1964 in Leavenworth, Kansas, United States. Son of Bruce John and Jayne Ann Boydston.
Boydston, Brian D. was born on June 12, 1964 in Leavenworth, Kansas, United States. Son of Bruce John and Jayne Ann Boydston.
Bachelor in Political Science, University of California at Los Angeles, 1986. Bachelor in History, University of California at Los Angeles, 1986. Juris Doctor, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, 1991.
Worked at Pick & Boydston (Los Angeles, California) specializing in General Civil Trial and Appellate Practice. Antitrust, Business Regulation, Copyright and Trademark, Corporate, Real Estate, Securities, Taxation and Trust Law. Admitted to the bar, 1991, California.
1992, United States.
District Court, Central District of California. 1994, United States. District Court, Northern District of California. United States. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.
Member, Loyola Law School International and Comparative Law Journal, 1990-1991.
Member: State Bar of California. American Bar Association.
Pick & Boydston has a general civil litigation practice with special emphasis on insurance coverage, commercial litigation, unfair trade practices, securities law, copyright law, landlord/tenant, personal injury, construction defect, employment and employment discrimination, regulatory practice and appellate practice. Among other clients, we represented Polygram Records when the Federal Trade Commission opposed its merger with Warner Brothers Records, represented Sylvania and Magnavox when Universal Studios alleged that their Videocassette Recorder"s infringed on Universal"s copyrights and have extensively litigated the area of "grey-marketed goods" (genuine goods imported by independent importers.).
Member, Loyola Law School International and Comparative Law Journal, 1990-1991. Member: State Bar of California. American Bar Association.
Married Michelle Denise, June 17, 1989.