Strum, Brian J. was born on November 27, 1939 in Brooklyn. Son of Max J. and Beatrix (Galitzky) Strum.
Strum, Brian J. was born on November 27, 1939 in Brooklyn. Son of Max J. and Beatrix (Galitzky) Strum.
Bachelor, Brooklyn College, 1960. Bachelor of Laws, New York University, 1963.
Attorney Gilbert, Segall and Young, New York City, 1963-1965. Associate research attorney Prudential Insurance Company American, 1965-1967, various positions, law department, 1967-1975, vice president real estate investments, 1975-1986. Chairman Prudential Property Company, Newark, 1986—1994.
Chief Executive Officer Prudential Realty Group, 1992-1994. Silverstein chair of real estate development New York University, 1995-1998. President, trustee Prudential Realty Trust, 1985-1994.
Member advisory board Chicago Title & Trust Company, New York City, 1982-1996.
With United States Army Reserve, 1963-1969. Fellow Anglo American Real Property Institute (charter). Member American Bar Association (chairman real property, probate and trust law sections 1984-1985), New York State Bar Association (chairman real property section 1975-1976), Urban Land Institute (council member), American College Real Estate Lawyers (charter), American Society Real Estate Counselors.
Married Mickey Weiss, November 19, 1966. Children: Ira, Howard, Beth.