Charles Coppens was born on May 24, 1835 at Turnhout, Belgium, the son of Peter Hubert and Caroline (Vaes) Coppens.
(Although this book is intended for Jesuits, all Christian...)
Although this book is intended for Jesuits, all Christians can benefit from the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius. The original exercises are meant for a month long retreat. By being reorganized for eight days, more people can take advantage of these holy exercises. The Text of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, as translated into English from the Spanish Autograph, and edited for private circulation by Rev. John Morris, S. J., is printed in a small volume of only 125 pages. That little work contains all that the Saint composed in the Grotto of Manresa, and he never afterward wrote any additions to the text. But in explaining his Exercises to his first companions, and to others who made the retreat under his direction, he would adapt the details to their characters and the various circumstances. His followers did the same, without writing further additions or commentaries on the original text; they followed in their practice the traditional method as it had come to them from Their saintly founder. In the course of time, as was natural, considerable departures from the first process took place, some of which induced the danger of gradually losing the very spirit of the original Exercises. Among the learned men of our Society who labored most successfully to check such tendency, one of the most distinguished was the Father General John Roothaan, who in 1834 addressed a circular letter to all his subject, earnestly warning them against this peril. At the same time he furnished them a masterly work on the original Spanish and Latin texts, which he accompanied with a most valuable commentary. For those preferring a Latin guide book, whether in making the Exercises themselves, or in explaining them to others, no work is more commendable than that masterpiece of Father Roothaan. Still, both before and since its publication, many other editions of the Exercises and commentaries on the same have been printed, both in Latin and in various modern languages, with full approbation and warm commendations of the Superiors of the Society; and excellent reasons appear to exist why successive generations of Jesuits should continue their efforts to enrich this valuable literature. In particular the eight days retreat, which all our members perform every year, gains additional interest and impressiveness when a wider range is presented, affording a choice among a large number of approved guide books to direct them through this fertile region of spirituality. The spirit permeating all of these must ever be the same, so too the main outline of the truths proposed and the general plan of the Exercises. Yet experience shows that there remains a wide room for variety in comments, suggestions and practical applications. Therefore, when the time for each one's annual retreat comes round, there is shown by many Fathers an earnest desire for some late publication on the subject, that will lend new zest to the familiar solid doctrine. To satisfy such reasonable wishes is the chief reason why the present pages are modestly presented to his brethren by THE AUTHOR
(Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We h...)
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
(Excerpt from Who Are the Jesuits? 1. Jesuits are often m...)
Excerpt from Who Are the Jesuits? 1. Jesuits are often much amused at the strange notions entertained of them by intelligent and otherwise well informed men and women in this land of general education. The non-Catholic world, as a rule, does not know what to make of them. Some however among the bitterest opponents of the Catholic Church claim to understand all about the Jesuits, and exert themselves to the utmost to denounce them as constituting a secret society plotting in every land, and in the United States in particular, for the destruction of liberty, and the establishment of an absolute dominion in Church and State. 2. When such misrepresentations are widely circulated, the amusement of the Jesuits is of course changed to sadness, on seeing that their pure intentions for the greater glory of God and the eternal welfare of souls are so strangely misunderstood. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.
Cdntents. BOOK III. ORDER OR ARRANGEMENT OF THOUGHTS. PAGE Chapter I. The Natural Order, ...... 94 Article I. The Historical Order, 94 II. The Distributive Order, 96 HI. Logical Order; 98 Chapter II. The Oratorical Order, ...... 100 Chapter III. Plan of aD iscourse, ...... 104 Chapter IV. Analysis andS ynopsis, 108 BOOK IV. DEVELOPMENT OF THOUGHT. Chapter I. The I ntroduction, 125 Chapter II. Narration andE xplanation, 132 Chapter III. Proposition and Division, ..... 137 Chapter IV. Argumentation Refutation Pathos, .. .141 Article I. Ways toP roduce Conviction 141 I. Exposition 142 2. Reasoning, 144 3. Refutation 149 Article II. Ways toP lease or Conciliate 156 I. Oratorical Ornaments .157 2. Politeness, 161 3. Oratorical Precautions, 164 Article III. Ways toM ove or Persuade, .... 168 I. On the Passions inT hemselves, .... 174 2. The Chief Ways of A rousing the Passions, ..177 g3. Of theE xpression of Excited Passions, .. .183 Chapter V. Conclusion or Peroration, 191 Chapter VI. On theS tyle of Speeches, ..... 194 BOOK v. MEMORY AND ELOCUTION. Chapter I. On Memorizing theO ration, .... 202 Chapter II. Elocution or Delivery, 208 Article I. Pronunciation 209 II. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at
(Coppen’s A Systematic Study of the Catholic Religion is a...)
Coppen’s A Systematic Study of the Catholic Religion is a concise overview of Catholic theology and beliefs, efficiently organized by categories. Although it is expansive, this summary of the Catholic religion is succinct enough to be easily understood by the uninitiated and such that it can serve as a handy reference. It is suited to both non-Catholics interested in understanding Catholicism’s beliefs, or a Catholic looking for a theological reference or brush-up on doctrine.
Charles Coppens was born on May 24, 1835 at Turnhout, Belgium, the son of Peter Hubert and Caroline (Vaes) Coppens.
Coppens began his training in the Jesuit college of St. Joseph in his native town and came to the United States to continue it in the scholasticates at St. Louis and at Fordham universities.
Coppens entered the Society of Jesus in 1853 at Florissant, Missouri, and was ordained in New York by Cardinal McCloskey in 1865.
He was professor of Latin and Greek in St. Louis University 1855-1859 and in St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, 1860-1862, taught rhetoric in the normal school at Florissant, Missouri, 1863-1875, and in St. Louis University 1876-1880, was president of St. Mary's College at St. Mary’s, Kansas, 1881-1884, was professor of rhetoric again at Florissant, 1885-1886, and of philosophy in Detroit College, 1887-1895, in Creighton University at Omaha, 1896-1905, in St. Louis University, 1906-1908, and finally in Loyola University in Chicago, where he died.
During his lifetime he published a lot of textbooks for educational purposes and contributed some works to the American Catholic Quarterly Review, the American Ecclesiastical Review, the Messenger of the Sacred Heart, the Messenger, Men and Women, and the Catholic Encyclopedia. His works included: The Art of Oratorical Composition (1885); A Practical Introduction to English Rhetoric (1886); A Brief Text-Book of Logic and Mental Philosophy (1891), and others.
His books were written in a style of unusual lucidity and ease. In them, as in his devotional works, Father Coppens made no significant departures from Jesuit tradition as regards style and matter. More originality was displayed in his most important book, Moral Principles and Medical Practice (1897; new and enlarged edition by H. S. Spalding, 1921).
(Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We h...)
(Coppen’s A Systematic Study of the Catholic Religion is a...)
(Although this book is intended for Jesuits, all Christian...)
(Excerpt from Who Are the Jesuits? 1. Jesuits are often m...)
Coppens was a member of the Society of Jesus.
Coppens was slight of stature and seemingly fragile, delicate of health, and so zealous and humble that “he never lost a moment of time or spoke an uncharitable word. ”