McCallum, Charles Edward was born on March 13, 1939 in Memphis, Tennessee, United States. Son of Edward Payson and India Raimelle (Musick) McCallum.
McCallum, Charles Edward was born on March 13, 1939 in Memphis, Tennessee, United States. Son of Edward Payson and India Raimelle (Musick) McCallum.
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960. Juris Doctor, Vanderbilt University, 1964.
Associate Warner Norcross & Judd LLP, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1964-1969, partner, 1969—2008, managing partner, 1992-1997, of counsel, since 2009. Chairman, Chief Executive Officer TerraLex, 2006—2011. Republican assemblyman State Bar Michigan, 1973-1978.
Chairman Research and Technology Institute West Michigan, 1989-1991. Lecturer continuing legal education programs. Member West Michigan World Trade Week Committee, 1988-1999, chairman, 1990-1991.
Member Michigan District Export Council, 1990-1999, chairman, 1992-1997.
Chairman Grand Rapids Area Transit Authority, 1976-1979, member, 1972-1979. Regional vice president National Municipal League, 1978-1986, member council, 1971-1978. President Grand Rapids Art Museum, 1979-1981, 96-98, trustee, 1976-1983, 94-99.
Chairman Butterworth Hospital, 1979-1987, trustee, 1977-1987. Chairman Butterworth Health Corporation, 1982-1989, director, 1982-1997, vice chairman, 1989-1991, secretary, 1991-1997. Chairman Priority Health, 1995-2004, board directors, 1995-2006.
Fellow College Law Practice Management. Member American Bar Association (chair business law section 2007-2008, chair standing committee on ethics and professional responsibility 2004-2005, member committee multijurisdictional practice 2000-2002, member task force on corporation responsibility, 2001-2003, editor-in-chief Business Lawyer 2005-2006), American Bar Foundation, American Law Institute, Michigan Bar Association (member council business law section, section chairman 1988-1989), Grand Rapids Bar Association, International Bar Association, Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce (president 1975, board directors 1970-1976), University Club, Order of Coif, Sigma Xi.
Married Lois Ann Gowell Temple, November 30, 1985. Children: Florence Andrea, Printha Kyle, Chandler Ward, Sabra Nicole Temple.