Gosnell, Charles Francis was born on July 7, 1909 in Rochester, New York, United States. Son of James Francis and Alameda (Whipple) Gosnell.
Gosnell, Charles Francis was born on July 7, 1909 in Rochester, New York, United States. Son of James Francis and Alameda (Whipple) Gosnell.
Bachelor of Arts, Univercity Rochester, 1930; Bachelor of Science, Columbia, 1932; Master of Science, Columbia, 1937; Doctor of Philosophy, New York University, 1943; certificate, Centro de Estudios Históricos, Madrid, Spain, 1934.
Assistant, U. Rochester Library, 1927-1931;
correspondent, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 1928-1930;
reference assistant, New York Public Library, 1931-1937;
librarian, associate professor, Queens College, 1937-1945;
associate, School Library Service, Columbia, 1943-1947;
assistant commissioner education, New York, 1949-1962;
state librarian, New York State, 1945-1962;
director libraries, professor library administration, New York University, 1962-1974;
emeritus, New York University, since 1974. Adviser to the United States General Services Administration on archives and records centers, since 1974. Chairman Public Affairs Information Service, since 1976.
Special consultant, library organizations, and associations, library music and historic buildings for fire protection, library lighting. United States delegate to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Conference on Libraries, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1951. Head United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization survey public library services in, Colombia, South America, 1959.
Consultant to Ford Foundation and University Brasilia, Brazil, since 1963. Consultant Inter-American Development Bank, 1966-1967.
Secretary New York State Freedom Train Commission, New York Cultural Heritage Foundation. Trustee Center for Study Presidency, Mohawk-Caughnawaga Museum, Fonda, New York, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York. Chairman Council National Library Associations, 1956-1957.
Past president National Association State Libraries. President Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library. Board directors Library Association Rockland County.
Member American Library Association (member executive board 1953-1957, president library administration division 1966-1967), New York Library Association (president 1968-1969, Moore award 1978), Middle Atlantic Regional Library Council (board directors), various special library associations, national, state and local bibliographical and library associations, and also associations in related fields, such as statistical, archivist and history societies Clubs: Mason (New York City) (33 degree, grand historian, grand master New York, chairman Empire State Mason magazine, chairman conference grand masters North America 1968-1969, honorary grand master Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, honorary member supreme council Brazil, honorary past grand master York grand lodge Mexico, Henry Price medalist grand lodge Massachusetts, honorary grand warden grand lodge national France, honorary past grand master grand lodge of Oklahoma), Grolier (New York City), New York University (New York City). Rotary; University (Albany).
Married Patria Aran-Soler, March 31, 1934. Children: Alice, Rita. Married Helen Louise Kuhlman, December 29, 1951.
Children: Marsh Kuhlman, Deborah, Susan, Catherine.