Lasch, Christopher was born on June 1, 1932 in Omaha. Son of Robert and Zora (Schaupp) Lasch.
( "A passionate, compelling, and disturbing argument that...)
"A passionate, compelling, and disturbing argument that the ills of democracy in the United States today arise from the default of its elites." ?John Gray, New York Times Book Review (front-page review) In a front-page review in the Washington Post Book World, John Judis wrote: "Political analysts have been poring over exit polls and precinct-level votes to gauge the meaning of last November's election, but they would probably better employ their time reading the late Christopher Lasch's book." And in the National Review, Robert Bork says The Revolt of the Elites "ranges provocatively and insightfully." Controversy has raged around Lasch's targeted attack on the elites, their loss of moral values, and their abandonment of the middle class and poor, for he sets up the media and educational institutions as a large source of the problem. In this spirited work, Lasch calls out for a return to community, schools that teach history not self-esteem, and a return to morality and even the teachings of religion. He does this in a nonpartisan manner, looking to the lessons of American history, and castigating those in power for the ever-widening gap between the economic classes, which has created a crisis in American society. The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy is riveting social commentary.
( Plain Style is an amusing and instructive guide to writ...)
Plain Style is an amusing and instructive guide to written English by the late Christopher Lasch, author of The Culture of Narcissism, The True and Only Heaven, and many other memorable works of American history and social criticism. Written for the benefit of the students at the University of Rochester, where Lasch taught from 1970 until his death in 1994, it quickly established itself in typescript as a local classica lively, witty, and historically minded alternative to the famous volume by William Strunk and E. B. White, The Elements of Style. Now available for the first time in published form, Plain Style is fundamentally a clear, readable, practical guide to the timeless principles of effective composition. At the same time, however, in ways that Stewart Weaver explains in his critical introduction, it is a distinctive and revealing addition to the published work of an eminent American thinker. No mere primer, Plain Style is an essay in cultural criticism, a political treatise even, by one for whom directness, clarity, and honesty of expression were essential to the living spirit of democracy. As the teachers and students who have for years benefited from its succinct wisdom will testify, Plain Style is an indispensable guide to writing and, indeed, Christopher Lasch's least-expected but perhaps most serviceable work.
Lasch, Christopher was born on June 1, 1932 in Omaha. Son of Robert and Zora (Schaupp) Lasch.
Bachelor of Arts, Harvard University, 1954; Master of Arts, Columbia University, 1955; Doctor of Philosophy, Columbia University, 1961; Doctor of Humane Letters (honorary), Bard College, 1977; Doctor of Humane Letters (honorary), Hobart College, 1981.
Member history faculty, Williams College, 1957-1957; Member history faculty, Roosevelt University, Chicago, 1960-1961; Member history faculty, U. Iowa, 1961-1966; Member history faculty, Northwestern University, 1966-1970; member of faculty, U. Rochester, New York, since 1970; Don Alonzo Watson professor of history, U. Rochester, since 1979; department chairman history, U. Rochester, since 1985. Freud lecturer University College, London, 1981.
( Plain Style is an amusing and instructive guide to writ...)
( When The Culture of Narcissism was first published, it ...)
( In the American political vocabulary, "family" and "fam...)
( "A passionate, compelling, and disturbing argument that...)
( "Even more valuable than its widely praised predecessor...)
(A shocking and extreme interpretation of the father of ps...)
( "A major and challenging work. . . . Provocative, and c...)
( "Extraordinarily creative . . . an important and engros...)
Member Organisation American Historians., American History Association.
Married Nell Commager, June 30, 1956. Children: Robert, Elisabeth, Catherine, Christopher.