Lowry, Donald Michael was born in 1929 in Milwaukee, LAW0.
Lowry, Donald Michael was born in 1929 in Milwaukee, LAW0.
Bachelor of Laws, Marquette University, 1953. Bachelor of Philosophy, Marquette University.
Underwriter, CNA Lloyd's of Texas senior vice president, general counsel, American Casualty Company, Reading, Pennsylvania senior vice president, general counsel, CNA Life & Annuity Company senior vice president, general counsel, Continental Assurance Company senior vice president, general counsel, National Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut senior vice president, general counsel, Transcontinental Insurance senior vice president, general counsel, Transportation Insurance Company senior vice president, general counsel, Valley Forge Insurance Company senior vice president, general counsel, Valley Forge Life Insurance Company senior vice president, general counsel, Continental Casualty Company Inc. vice president, secretary, CNA Finance Corporation, 1958-1998; retired, CNA Finance Corporation, 1998.