Marx, Egon was born on April 4, 1937 in Cologne, Germany. Son of Erich and Herta Helene (Oberländer) Marx. came to the United States, 1965.
Marx, Egon was born on April 4, 1937 in Cologne, Germany. Son of Erich and Herta Helene (Oberländer) Marx. came to the United States, 1965.
Electrical engineer, U. Chile, Santiago, 1959; Doctor of Philosophy, California Institute Technology, 1963.
Teaching assistant, U. Chile, 1956-1959; researcher, U. Chile, 1963-1965; teaching and research assistant, California Institute Technology, Pasadena, 1962-1963; assistant professor physics, Clarkson U., Potsdam, New York, 1965-1967; assistant professor physics, Drexel U., Philadelphia, 1967-1972; physicist, Harry Diamond laboratories, Adelphi, Maryland., 1972-1980; physicist, National Institute Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland., since 1980. Contributor over 100 articles on field theory, relativistic quantum mechanics, and electromagnetism to professional journals and books.
Married Irene Lehmann, April 4, 1965. Children: Sonia, Nancy.