Freitas, Elizabeth Frances was born on August 19, 1963 in New York City. Daughter of Joao A. and Alva Marie Freitas.
Freitas, Elizabeth Frances was born on August 19, 1963 in New York City. Daughter of Joao A. and Alva Marie Freitas.
Bachelor cum laude, Catholic University America, 1985. Bachelor of Business Administration cum laude, CUNY-Baruch College, 1994. Juris Doctor, Brooklyn Law School, 1993.
Intern, United States International Trade Committee, Washington, 1985-1986; archivist assistant, National Leadership Council/The Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption, Washington, 1985; telephone manager, Citizen Action, Washington, 1986-1987; telemarketer, Decision Center, New York City, 1988; intern, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York City, 1992-1993; private practice, Advocacy Inc., New York City, since 1994. Part-time attorney Americana Agency, New York City, 1995-1996. Chair film committee L.I.U., 1981-1982.
Member Get Out the Vote committee Citizen Action, Washington, 1986-1987. Member American Bar Association, American Civil Liberties Union, New York Bar Association, Amnesty International, Pi Gamma Mu, Beta Gamma Sigma, Golden Key National Honor Society.