Was born in 1912 in Rome where resided till her last day.
Was born in 1912 in Rome where resided till her last day.
Novels and novellas
Menzogna e sortilegio (House Of Liars, 1948)
L'isola di Arturo (Arturo's Island, 1957)
Lo scialle andaluso (The Andalusian Shawl, a novella, 1963)
La storia (History, 1974)
Aracoeli (1982)
Short Story Collections
Il gioco segreto ("The Secret Game", 1941)
Racconti dimenticati ("Forgotten Stories", 2002, collection of early short stories)
Alibi (1958)
Il Mondo Salvato dai Ragazzini ("The World Saved By Children", 1968)
The song of the H.F. and the U.M. in three parts (La canzone degli F.P. e degli I.M. in tre parti - from Il Mondo Salvato dai Ragazzini) translation M. Palladino & P. Hart (Joker 2007)
Children's Books
Le straordinarie avventure di Caterina (1959)
Pro e contro la bomba atomica (1987, essays)