Praderie-Eugene, Francoise G. was born on March 20, 1937 in Metz, France. Daughter of Charles and Madeliene (Louis) Eugene.
Praderie-Eugene, Francoise G. was born on March 20, 1937 in Metz, France. Daughter of Charles and Madeliene (Louis) Eugene.
Doctor of Science, University Paris, 1967.
From astronomer to vice president Paris Observatory, 1960-1986. Editor-in-chief Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1986-1988. Department head Minister Research, Paris, 1988-1991.
Head megasci. forum Organization of European Cooperation and Development, 1992-1995. Advisory to director National Center for Scientific Research, 1996-1997. Senior astronomer Paris Observatory, since 1997.
Secretary general Eurosci. Association, 1997-2000.
Member European Astronomical Society.
Married Michel G. Praderie, 1959 (divorced 1974). Children: Anne, Benoit. Married Philippe F. Roqueplo, 1979.