Ryder, Frank Glessner was born on December 23, 1916 in Minneapolis. Son of William and Agnes Crocker (Glessner) Ryder.
researcher German literature educator
Ryder, Frank Glessner was born on December 23, 1916 in Minneapolis. Son of William and Agnes Crocker (Glessner) Ryder.
Bachelor summa cum laude, University of Minnesota, 1937; Master of Arts, University of Minnesota, 1938; Doctor of Philosophy, University of Michigan, 1950.
From instructor to professor German, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 1945-1963; chairman, professor German, Indiana U., Bloomington, 1963-1971; Kenan professor German literature, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1971-1981; Kenan professor German literature emeritus, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, since 1981. Visiting professor Stanford National Defense Education Act, Bad Boll, Germany, 1965, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1967-1968, U. Hamburg, Germany, 1970, Monash U., Melbourne, Australia, 1972, Ripon (Wisconsin) College, 1974, U. Oregon, 1974.
(Written around the year 1200 by an unknown Middle High Ge...)
("Sigfrid is set up as a chivalric paragon")
Lieutenant (junior grade) United States Naval Reserve, 1943-1946, PTO.
Married Shirley Ruth Sickels, August 21, 1948. Children: Elizabeth R. Napier, Barbara R. Studholme, Mary R. Cullin.