Jordan, Frank J. was born on June 13, 1929 in New Canaan, Connecticut, United States. Son of Michael and Anna (Markva) Jordan.
Patent Trademark and copyright lawyer
Jordan, Frank J. was born on June 13, 1929 in New Canaan, Connecticut, United States. Son of Michael and Anna (Markva) Jordan.
United States. Merchant Marine Academy (Bachelor of Science, 1953). New York Law School (Juris Doctor, 1961).
Worked at Jordan and Hamburg (New York, New York) specializing in Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights. Admitted to the bar, 1961, New New York 1963, United States. District Court, Southern and Eastern Districts of New New York
1967, United States.
Supreme Court. 1968-1982, United States. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals.
1982, United States. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
Registered to practice before United States. Patent and Trademark Office.
Author: "United States. Patent Law Revision," March, 1974.
"The Lemon Tree Case," October, 1974.
"Publication Under Deferred Examination System," June, 1975. "Priority Rights and Inventors Certificates," November, 1975. "Claim Glossary," March, 1976, all published in The Patent Attorneys Association of Japan Journal.
"Patent Revision and Filing of Non-English Patent Applications," Scandinavian Journal on Intellectual Property," March, 1976.
Contributor from 1974-1987 of bimonthly articles on United States. Patent Law to "Patents & Licensing," published by Japan Engineering News, Incorporated.
Member: The Association of the Bar of the City of New New York New York Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law Association.
Military: Lieutenant, United States.
Navy, 1953-1955.
Member of United States Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Association, New York Law School Alumni Association, New York Patent Law Association, International Patent and Trademark Association, Association Bar City New York.
Married Sheila Filene Jordan, June 19, 1960.