Delcomyn, Fred was born on June 4, 1939 in Copenhagen. Arrived in United States, 1947, naturalized, 1960. Son of Niels Theodor and Erna A. Delcomyn.
educator neurobiologist physiologist
Delcomyn, Fred was born on June 4, 1939 in Copenhagen. Arrived in United States, 1947, naturalized, 1960. Son of Niels Theodor and Erna A. Delcomyn.
Bachelor of Science, Wayne State University, 1962. Master of Science, Northwestern University, 1964. Doctor of Philosophy, University Oregon, 1969.
Research associate department zoology University Glasgow, Scotland, 1969—1971, lecturer Institute Physiology, 1971—1972. Assistant professor department entomology University Illinois, Urbana, 1972—1977, associate professor, 1977—1995, professor, 1995—2008, director School Integrative Biology, 2000—2008, director, professor emeritus.
Fellow University of Illinois, 1973. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science. Member Society Experimental Biology, Society Neurosci.
Married Nancy Ann Nigg, December 14, 1969. Children: Julia C. M., Michael T.W., Erik A.W. Bachelor of Science, Wayne State University, 1962.