ROPSKJ, GARY was born on April 19, 1952 in Erie, Pennsylvania, United States.
ROPSKJ, GARY was born on April 19, 1952 in Erie, Pennsylvania, United States.
Camegie-Mellon University (Bachelor of Science, 1972). Northwestern University School of Law (Juris Doctor, cum laude, 1976). Tau Beta Pi. Executive Editor, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1975-1976.
Member, Editorial Board of the Trademark Reporter, 1981-1984.
Working as a partner of GILSON & LIONE. Admitted to the bar, 1976, Illinois. 1982, Pennsylvania.
Chicago and American Bar Associations. Patent Law Association of Chicago. American Intellectual Property Law Association.
International Bar Association.
International Patent and Trademark Association (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property). Licensing Executives Society.