PANTOS, GEORGE was born on October 28, 1930 in Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.
PANTOS, GEORGE was born on October 28, 1930 in Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.
Syracuse University (Bachelor of Arts, 1952). George Washington University (Bachelor of Laws, 1958). Special Assistant to Under Secretary of Commerce, 1970.
Special Counsel to the White House Council on International Economic Policy, 1971.
Special Assistant to Secretary of Commerce, 1972. Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce, 1973- 1974.
Working as a partner of DISTRICT OF COL UMBIA. Admitted to the bar, 1959, District of Columbia, Municipal Court for the District of Columbia and United States. District Court, District of Columbia. 1960, United States. Supreme Court (Not admitted in Illinois).
The District of Columbia Bar. American Bar Association.