Reiser, George Robert was born on March 21, 1929 in Toledo. Son of George C. and Evelyn E. (Hinklemann) Reiser.
Reiser, George Robert was born on March 21, 1929 in Toledo. Son of George C. and Evelyn E. (Hinklemann) Reiser.
Bachelor Business Science, Ohio State University, 1949. Juris Doctor, Ohio State University, 1952.
Sole practice, Toledo, 1952-1959. Partner Mittendorf, Reiser, Jacobs & Zraik, 1959-1982, Reiser and Zraik, Toledo, from 1982. Lecturer various bar associations, University Toledo, since 1972.
Fellow American College Probate Counsel. Member American Bar Association, Toledo Bar Association, Ohio State Bar Association Clubs: Toledo. Catawba Island (Port Clinton, Ohio).
Lodges: Masons.
Married Josephine Kott, September 17, 1955. Children: Sarah Rutherford, Molly Ryan, George K., Emily E. Reiser Caruso.