MUNITZ, GERALD was born on August 3, 1933 in Jersey City, New Jersey, United States.
MUNITZ, GERALD was born on August 3, 1933 in Jersey City, New Jersey, United States.
University of Michigan (Bachelor of Arts, 1955). University of Chicago (Juris Doctor, 1960). Conferee, National Bankmptcy Conference, since 1971.
Contributing Editor, CoUier Bankmptcy Guide, 1981 and 1984.
Partner Winston & Strawn, Chicago. Conferee National Bankruptcy Conference, since 1971.
Bar: Illinois 1960.
Contributing editor: Collier Bankruptcy Guide, 1981, 84, Prentice Hall Law and Business, Bankruptcy Litigation Manual, 1990.
Fellow American College Bankruptcy. Member American Bar Association, Illinois State Bar Association, Chicago Bar Association (chairman bankruptcy and reorganization committee 1967-1968, member committee character and fitness 1973-1985), Legal Club Chicago, Law Club Chicago.