Greenwald, Gerald Bernard was born on May 11, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Richard Bernard Greenwald and Frieda (Shapiro) Padnick.
(This unique work analyses the commercial, legal and finan...)
This unique work analyses the commercial, legal and financial aspects of the complex process of developing an international energy project for the production and marketing of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The authors, informed by their significant experience and insight in the LNG industry, describe the essential chains in the commercialism of natural gas as LNG: entrepreneurial aspects, functional LNG facilities and a linked series of contracts and contractual relationships. The expert contributions elucidate the import and significance of the crucial dependent factors that appear and reappear in all stages of a successful LNG project. Each activity, each facility, each contract must be understood in the context of the overall project development process. By providing an understanding of the whole, this book can inform the performance of those who have personal responsibility in the LNG industry, including energy lawyers, engineers and bankers.
Greenwald, Gerald Bernard was born on May 11, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Richard Bernard Greenwald and Frieda (Shapiro) Padnick.
Bachelor, University of Chicago, 1948; Juris Doctor, University of Chicago, 1951.
Partner, Becker & Greenwald, Washington, 1961-1964; partner, Mudge, Rose, Guthrie & Alexander, New York City, Washington & Paris, 1966-1975; partner, Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin & Kahn, Washington, 1975-1993; energy consultant, since 1994; honorary associate, Center for Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, U. Dundee, Scotland, since 1994.
(This unique work analyses the commercial, legal and finan...)
Chairman Arlington County, Virginia, Advisory Commision on Health and Welfare, 1966-1967, Arlington County Committee on Human Resources, 1968-1971. President National Health Council, New York City, 1976-1977, board directors. President Temple Rodef Shalom, Falls Church, Virginia, 1988-1990.
Served to First lieutenant United States Army, 1952-1954. Member American Bar Association, International Bar Association (chairman oil and gas committee 1984-1988, secretary section on energy and natural resources 1988-1990), Cosmos Club (Washington).
Married Corinne Edwards, May 29, 1955. Children: David, Edward, Greig.