Keyser, Gloria Jean was born on July 28, 1939 in Easton, Pennsylvania, United States. Daughter of Edgar Richard and Helen Elizabeth (May) Fraunfelter.
Keyser, Gloria Jean was born on July 28, 1939 in Easton, Pennsylvania, United States. Daughter of Edgar Richard and Helen Elizabeth (May) Fraunfelter.
Student, East Stroudsburg University, 1959. Bachelor, Shippensbury University, 1976. Postgraduate, Pennsylvania State University, 1984.
Postgraduate, Wilson College, 1986.
Special events coordinator, customer billing Fashion Lane, Inc., Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, 1972-1974, public relations consultant, 1976-1977. Director Cumberland Valley Humane Society, 1977-1979. Federal independent monitor Franklin County Comprehensive Employment Training Act, 1979-1980, manager marketing and placement, 1980-1981.
Executive director Franklin County Private Industry Council, 1981-1984. Director conferences, food service operations, continuing studies Wilson College, 1984-1988. Director human resources Veniez Inn, Hagerstown, Missouri, since 1988.
Member Franklin County Area Development Corporation, Chambersburg, 1984-1989, Tri-County Children and Youth Advisory Board, Chambersburg, 1982-1984, Tri-County Economic Education Foundation Board, Cross Keys, Pennsylvania, 1981-1984, Board of Health, Chambersburg, since 1988. Consultant political campaigns, Chambersburg, 1988. Member Women's Network of Franklin County, American Association of University Women, Chambersburg Hospital Auxiliary, Pennsylvania Society Association Executives.
Married Gerald David Keyser, May 9, 1959. Children: Constance, Deborah, David, Karen, Kevin.