Ayanru, Grace Hughes was born on January 10, 1933 in New York City. Daughter of Roy Eldon and Thelma Ruth (Clark) H.
Ayanru, Grace Hughes was born on January 10, 1933 in New York City. Daughter of Roy Eldon and Thelma Ruth (Clark) H.
Bachelor of Science, Hampton Institute, 1954; Doctor of Medicine, Meharry Medical College, Nashville, 1962.
Intern, Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn, 1962-1963;
medical resident, Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn, 1963-1965;
fellow in rheumatology, New York University Medical Center,, 1965-1967;
physician-in-charge geriatric satellite health clinics, Queens Hospital Center, New York City, 1981-1993;
review physician, New York State Department Social Svc., since 1993. Lecturer scientist in school program New York Academy Sciences. Clinical assistant professor medicine New York University School Medicine, New York City.
Adjunct clinical assistant professor medicine Mount Sinai School Medicine.
Participant in public service programs on health of elderly. Fellow American College Rheumatology. Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Medical Womens Association, American Lung Association Queens (board directors since 1988, president of the board directors since 1996), New York Rheumatism Association (Executive Committee since 1984), New York Academy Sciences, National Medical Association.
Married Hilary Oni Ayanru, May 24, 1969 (deceased 1984). 1 child, Hilary Oni World War II.