Brooks, Gregory W. was born on October 22, 1963 in Fort Worth, Texas, United States.
Brooks, Gregory W. was born on October 22, 1963 in Fort Worth, Texas, United States.
Bachelor of Science in Biology, Hampden-Sydney College, 1985. Juris Doctor, Mercer University, 1988.
Worked at Byrne, Eldridge, Moore & Davis, Professional Corporation (Atlanta, Georgia) specializing in Entertainment and Business Law. Admitted to the bar, 1988, Georgia. Recipient, Brainard Currie Lecture Award.
Member, Editorial Board, Mercer Law Review, 1986-1988.
Author: "Palmer v. Liggett Group, Incorporated.: State Tort Claims and the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Acting," 38 Mercer L. Review 925, 1987; "Deferring Interest and Reducing Plan Payments Through Negative Amortization," Bankr.
L. Review, Volume 3, Number. 3, 1991. Member: Atlanta and American Bar Associations.
State Bar of Georgia (Chairman, Seminar Committee, Entertainment and Sports Law Section).
Member National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (membership committee), Georgia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Georgia State Bar Association (chairman seminar committee entertainment and sports law section), State Bar Georgia (secretary-treasurer entertainment and sports law section).