Hauser, Gustave M. was born on September 3, 1929 in Cleveland. Son of Abraham and Stella Hauser.
Hauser, Gustave M. was born on September 3, 1929 in Cleveland. Son of Abraham and Stella Hauser.
AB, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 1950. Juris Doctor, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1953. Master of Laws, New York University, 1957.
Diploma in law, University Paris, 1958.
Instructor, Harvard University Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1955-1956; counsel international affairs, Office Secretary Defense, Washington, 1958-1960; vice president, General Telephone & Electronics International, New York City, 1960-1971; board director-at-large, United States Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Washington, 1968-1977; executive vice president, Western Union International, New York City, 1971-1973; president, Chief Executive Officer, Warner Cable Corporation, New York City, 1973-1975; chairman, chief Executive officer, Warner Cable Corporation, New York City, 1975-1979; chairman, chief Executive officer, Warner Amex Cable Communications, Inc., New York City, 1979-1983; chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Hauser Comm., Inc., New York City, since 1983. Board directors Orion Network Sys., Inc., Washington, chairman, 1996-1998.
Chairman, board directors Hauser Foundation, Inc., since 1989. Trustee Steep Rock Land Trust, since 1992. Trustee, vice-chairman The Paley Center Media, since 1992.
Executive committee Harvard University, committee on university resources, since 1997. Board directors The Cable Center, since 1997. Served with Army of the United States, 1953-1955.
Member National Cable television Association (director 1976-1984, executive committee 1978-1984, vice chairman 1983-1984).
Married Rita Abrams, June 10, 1956. Children: Glenvil A., Patricia A.