Kerr, Harrison was born on October 13, 1897 in Cleveland. Son of Harrison and Elizabeth (Rettig) Kerr.
Kerr, Harrison was born on October 13, 1897 in Cleveland. Son of Harrison and Elizabeth (Rettig) Kerr.
Graduate Cleveland high schools, 1916. Student Conservatoirie Americain de Fontainebleau, France, 1921.
From 1949 to 1969, he served as professor of music and dean at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma. He also served as the first Executive Secretary of the American Music Center (which he helped to found) as well as the first Executive Secretary of the American Composers Alliance. In addition, he served on the editorial boards of New Music Editions and New Music Quarterly Recordings.
Among his many works are four symphonies and an opera entitled The Tower of Kel (1958-1960).
His music is recorded on the Composers Recordings, Incorporated. label.
Member of executive board National Music Council. Member board directors American Music Center. Member music advising committee United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Married Jeanne McHugh, August 30, 1928.