III, Harry Justice Warthen, was born on July 8, 1939 in Richmond, Virginia, United States. Son of Harry Justice Junior and Martha Winston (Alsop) W.
III, Harry Justice Warthen, was born on July 8, 1939 in Richmond, Virginia, United States. Son of Harry Justice Junior and Martha Winston (Alsop) W.
Bachelor, University of Virginia, 1961; Bachelor of Laws, University of Virginia, 1967.
Law clerk to judge United States Court Appeals (4th circuit), Richmond, Virginia, 1967-1968. Associate Hunton & Williams, 1968—2005, senior counsel, since 2005. Lecturer in field University Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, 1975—1977.
Lieutenant United States Army, 1962-1964.
Trustee executive committee History Richmond Foundation, 1986-1995, 96—08, president, 2000-2002. Trustee Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library., 1997-2003, 05-11. Director executive committee Preservation Alliance of Virginia (now part of Preservation Virginia), 1991-1997, president, 1994-1996.
Virginia representative board advisors The National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2003-2011. Director The Corporation for Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest, 2005^. Elder, trustee endowment fund Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Moderator Hanover Presbytery, Presbyterian Church (United States of America), 1988. Fellow American College Trust and Estate Counsel, Virginia Law Foundation. Member Virginia Bar Association (chairman section on wills, trusts and estates 1981-1989), Antiquarian Society Richmond (president 1977-1978, 98-99), Country Club Virginia, Deep Run Hunt Club.
Married Sally Berkeley Trapnell, September 7, 1968. Children: Martha Alsop, William Trapnell.