Theisen, Henry William was born on February 21, 1939 in New York City. Son of Charles and Jennie J. (Callahan) Theisen.
Theisen, Henry William was born on February 21, 1939 in New York City. Son of Charles and Jennie J. (Callahan) Theisen.
Bachelor of Business Administration, Manhattan College, 1961. Juris Doctor, Fordham University, 1966.
Accountant Patterson & Ridgway, Certified Public Accountants, New York City, 1961-1964. Partner Adams, Theisen & May, Ithaca, New York, from 1967. Prosecutor City of Ithaca, 1969.
Estate tax attorney New York State, Albany, 1976-1990. County attorney Tompkins County, Ithaca, from 1994. Examining counsel Ticor Title Guaranty Company, Monroe Title Insurance Corporation.
Corporation secretary, board directors Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca. Lecturer wills and trusts adult education program Board Cooperative Educational Services, Tompkins County, New York, 1995-1999.
President Ithaca Community Music School, 1970. Board representatives Tompkins County, Ithaca, 1976-1981. Board directors Tompkins Community Hospital, 1980-1983, Center for Arts at Ithaca, Inc.
(Hangar Theatre), 1989-1992, Suicide Prevention Foundation Tompkins County, since 1996. Race director Finger Lakes Marathon, 1992-1996. Board directors Special Children's Center, 1969-1974, president, 1973-1974.
Board directors Tompkins County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 1973-1976, president, 1976. Chairman task force organization Ithaca Public Education Initiative Inc., 1995-1996. Panel member Judicial Candidate Rating Panel, Binghamton, New York, 1993-1994.
Candidate Supreme Court Justice, New York, 1992. Member Tompkins County Bar Association (president 1990), Tompkins County Chamber of C. (president 1993), Estate Planning Council Tompkins County (co-founder, president 1985), Ithaca Rotary Club.
Married Kathleen Anne Brennan, January 23, 1966 (divorced October 1992). Children: Gordon H., Anne, Maureen R., William R. Married Deborah S. Lynch, June 11, 1994.