Agrawal, Hiralal was born on June 6, 1963 in Montipur, India.
Agrawal, Hiralal was born on June 6, 1963 in Montipur, India.
Master of Science in Computer Science, Brila Institute of Technology and Science, 1985. Master of Science in Computer Science, Purdue University, 1988. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, Purdue University, 1991.
Staff practice school division, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India, 1983, 84; computer scientist, Madras (India) Computer laboratories, 1984; computer scientist, International Computers Indian Mft., Bombay, India, 1985; systems engineer research and development, Cluster Munition Coalition, Secunderbad, India, 1985-1986; research assistant software engineering research center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1987-1991; research scientist software environs. research group, Bellcore, Morristown, New Jersey, since 1991. Teaching assistant practice school division, computer science department Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, 1984, Purdue University, 1990.
Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (computer society) Association Computing Machinery (special interest group on programming languages, special interest group on software engineering).