Hua-Chuen Mei was born in Hongkong. He was also known as nee Anna Fo-Jin Kong.
Hua-Chuen Mei was born in Hongkong. He was also known as nee Anna Fo-Jin Kong.
Mrs. Mei studied at St. Peter's School and public schools in Honolulu, China in 1899-1907 and was graduated with honors from McKinley High School in Honolulu, T. H. in 1911. He also studied liberal arts at the University of California in 1911-1912 and Barnard College of Columbia University in 1913-1915, from which she received her Bachelor of Arts degree.
Hua-Chuen Mei was Y.W.C.A. (Young Women's Christian Association) cabinet officer in 1913-1914, delegate to Student Volunteer Convention in Kansas City, Missouri in 1914. Then she returned to China on August, 1915 and became a head teacher St. Paul's School, Shekki in Kwangtung, China in 1915, instructor of Chi-Sue Girls' School in Shanghai, China in 1916.
She was also a member of National Committee, Y.W.C.A.'s of China since 1916, chairman in 1920-1929, trustee of Cantonese Union Church in 1918, director of Church Women's Auxiliary in 1918, president of Women's Returned Students' Club in Shanghai, China in 1919-1920, president and officer, Shanghai Women's Club, member Shanghai branch, Association of American University Women in Shanghai, delegate to conference of commissioners of American Women's Federated Mission Boards in 1920, national Y.W.C.A. delegate to National Christian Conference in 1922, China delegate to world's committee meeting, Y.W.C.A. in Washington, and American National Y.W.C.A. convention in New York in 1924.
Mrs. Mei took positions of honorary vice-president for the Far East, World's Y.W.C.A. since 1924, China delegate to Japanese National Y.W.C.A. convention in Gotemba, Japan in 1925, chairman of joint committee in Shanghai, Women's Organizations in 1924-1926, 1932-1934, Director of Mokanshan Summer Resort Association in 1924, elected China delegate to First and Third PanPacific Women's Conference in Honolulu in June, 1928 and August, 1934, Chairman of China Preparation Committee on Third Pan-Pacific Women's Conference in 1928 and 1934, elected Second Vice President, Fourth Pan-Pacific Women's Conference in 1934-1937, member of Ginling College Board of Control in 1928-1932, worker for child labor reform.
She was also a writer and speaker on subjects pertinent to Chinese women's status, work and progress.
She married Dr. H. C. Mei, lawyer (q. v.) on December, 1915 and had three children.