Hugh Norman was born on July 24, 1945, in Westmount, Canada. He is the son of James Stewart Alexander and Dorothy Isabel (Murray) Ross. He was raised in Vancouver, British Columbia.
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Hugh studied at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada and received a Bachelor of Science in Physics in 1967.
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hugh finished the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada with Master of Science in Astronomy in 1968.
(Hugh Ross provides clear evidence for a universe that is ...)
Hugh Ross provides clear evidence for a universe that is designed, initiated, shaped, and sustained exactly as the Bible describes - by God. Readers will learn how astrophysicists reluctantly arrived at a model of cosmic origin and development that unmistakably points to the God of the Bible.
(The Creator and the Cosmos constitutes a remarkable journ...)
The Creator and the Cosmos constitutes a remarkable journey through the most recent scientific findings, providing overwhelming support for design in our universe. Dr. Ross has documented the evidence for design in our universe in such a thorough yet readable style that it will prove to be of great value both to the science student as well as to the interested layperson.
(Modern science has uncovered a design that is surprisingl...)
Modern science has uncovered a design that is surprisingly compatible with the biblical account of creation. Learn how scientific discoveries reveal the nature of God.
(Dr. Ross graciously examines the scientific merits of a y...)
Dr. Ross graciously examines the scientific merits of a young-earth creation and its biblical foundation. He not only demonstrates the more likely age of the universe, but also celebrates the greatness and majesty of its Creator.
(“Everyone knows the Bible teaches scientific nonsense” is...)
“Everyone knows the Bible teaches scientific nonsense” is a commonly held misconception. When pushed for examples, many point to the early chapters of Genesis as proof - creation, the Flood, 900-year life spans. And science has largely been silent on the subject - until now. Examining recent, leading-edge scientific discoveries, Dr. Hugh Ross explores how these very chapters hold some of the strongest scientific evidence for the Bible’s supernatural accuracy. Like never before, The Genesis Question integrates the accuracy of both science and the Bible - without compromise - giving skeptics and believers common ground and opportunity for dialogue.
(Hugh Ross demonstrates how sound, gracious apologetics ca...)
Hugh Ross demonstrates how sound, gracious apologetics can remove obstacles to faith in Christ and help bring reconciliation in the church. This book is designed to turn arguments into conversations and to equip believers to defend their faith with gentleness and respect.
(This book provides rigorous testing of the evolution and ...)
This book provides rigorous testing of the evolution and creation scenarios. New discoveries in genetics and paleoanthropology, especially, provide helpful evidence.
(Why the Universe Is the Way It Is will interest anyone wh...)
Why the Universe Is the Way It Is will interest anyone who wonders where and how the universe came to be, what or who is responsible for it, why we are here, or how and when the universe ends. Far from leaving the reader at this philosophical jumping-off point, Ross builds toward answering the big question of human destiny and the specific question of each reader's personal destiny.
(More Than a Theory - fascinating book responds to the rec...)
More Than a Theory - fascinating book responds to the recent, well-publicized challenges from aggressive atheists who deny the existence of a Creator. It also reminds the scientific community of what constitutes good science and supplies Christians with the scientific information they need to defend their conviction that the Creator is the God of the Bible.
(Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job shows that the Bible ...)
Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job shows that the Bible is an accurate predictor of scientific discoveries and a trustworthy source of scientific information, and that both the book of Scripture and the book of nature are consistent both internally and externally.
(This fascinating book helps nonscientists understand the ...)
This fascinating book helps nonscientists understand the countless miracles that undergird the exquisitely fine-tuned planet we call home - as if Someone had us in mind all along.
Hugh Norman was born on July 24, 1945, in Westmount, Canada. He is the son of James Stewart Alexander and Dorothy Isabel (Murray) Ross. He was raised in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Hugh studied at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada and received a Bachelor of Science in Physics in 1967. He also finished the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada with a Master of Science in Astronomy in 1968. He got his Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy from the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1973.
Hugh Ross started as a research fellow in radio astronomy at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena during 1973-78. Later, he became a minister of evangelism at Sierra Madre Congregational Church, Pasadena, California during 1975-86, a minister of apologetics from 1986. He also was the president at Reasons To Believe, Inc. (Progressive Creationist ministry), Pasadena, California from 1986. He has lectured and appeared on radio and television, as well as in video and audio tapes.
He began to write in 1991. The titles given to Hugh Ross’s books, such as The Fingerprint of God, The Creator, and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God, and Creation and Time: A Biblical and Scientific Perspective on the Creation-Date Controversy, clearly indicate his long-standing focus.
In his fifth book, The Genesis Question: Scientific Advances and the Accuracy of Genesis, Ross examines the
Genesis Question “in the light of its purpose and the original Hebrew,” noted Eugene O. Bowser in Library Journal. According to Bowser, Ross maintains that ancestry, not directly biological families (i.e., mother, father, and siblings), is the true history addressed in the first chapter of the Bible.
Critical reaction to Ross’s books has been mixed. Bowser called The Genesis Question a “blueprint” that some people of faith may find fascinating. “Others,” declared a Publishers Weekly reviewer, “may wonder why he is trying so hard to turn faith into science.”
With Beyond the Cosmos: The Extra-Dimensionality of God; What Recent Discoveries in Astronomy and Physics Reveal about the Nature of God, Ross approaches the notion that science presents more than supporting evidence of God’s existence. According to Pius Murray in Library Journal, Ross’s defense of this belief pales in comparison to works by other people. Murray declared: “he weakens his argument by trying to interpret scripture in terms of science.” Another of Ross’s publications was more positively judged by Booklist contributor Patty O’Connell, who praised Creation and Time: A Biblical and Scientific Perspective on the Creation-Date Controversy as “extremely well documented ... more than a good read. It is a call for action. A relevant addition to any library.”
Hugh Norman Ross is known as an anstronomer and best-selling author. He has founded the ministry and theistic think tank Reasons to Believe and still runs his ministry today, and promotes progressive and day-age forms of old Earth creationism. His famous works are The Fingerprint of God, The Genesis Debate, How to Think about UFOs and others.
(Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job shows that the Bible ...)
2011(Why the Universe Is the Way It Is will interest anyone wh...)
2008(This fascinating book helps nonscientists understand the ...)
2016(The Creator and the Cosmos constitutes a remarkable journ...)
1993(More Than a Theory - fascinating book responds to the rec...)
2009(Hugh Ross provides clear evidence for a universe that is ...)
1989(Hugh Ross demonstrates how sound, gracious apologetics ca...)
2004(Modern science has uncovered a design that is surprisingl...)
1993(“Everyone knows the Bible teaches scientific nonsense” is...)
2001(This book provides rigorous testing of the evolution and ...)
2005(Dr. Ross graciously examines the scientific merits of a y...)
1994Ross believes in progressive creationism, which posits that while the earth is billions of years old, life did not appear by natural forces alone but that a supernatural agent formed different lifeforms in incremental (progressive) stages, and day-age creationism which is an effort to reconcile a literal Genesis account of Creation with modern scientific theories on the age of the Universe, the Earth, life, and humans.
Ross is a critic of young-Earth creationists, in particular, Russell Humphreys and Ken Ham.
Quotations: “Presently, our scientific team digests over 600 research papers per year that provide additional evidences for the Bible’s God. It is our goal in producing books and videos to explain to lay people what these new discoveries mean scientifically, philosophically, and theologically. We maintian a daily hotline for fielding questions on science and faith issues and we publish a news magazine, Facts for Faith, amd a free newsletter. Connections, to keep people up to date on new evidences for God.”
Hugh Ross is a member of American Institute of Physics, American Science Affiliation, American Astronomical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
On July 30, 1977, Hugh Ross married Kathleen Ann Drake. They have two children: Joel Stephen, David Michael.